Selma Blair
52 years old
BornJune 23, 1972
Southfield, Michigan, USA
Photo from "My Mom's New Boyfriend"
© Columbia Pictures
12 TV series
American Crime Story
2016. TV Series Criminal drama Sarah Paulson & Annaleigh Ashford
detailsreviews1American Idol: The Search for a Superstar
2002. TV Series Musical Ryan Seacrest & Mark Thompson
detailsreviews436 movies
After We Collided
R13+14A14A14A14A14A2020. 1h45m Romantic drama Josephine Langford & Hero Fiennes Tiffin
PG-13GPGPGPGPGPG2019. 1h46m Psychological drama Josephine Langford & Hero Fiennes Tiffin
Mom and Dad
R13+2017. 2h03m Horror/thriller Nicolas Cage & Selma Blair
Mothers and Daughters
PG-13PGPGPG2016. 1h30m Drama Selma Blair & Susan Sarandon
showtimesdetailstrailer1reviews3In Their Skin
14A18A18A2012. 1h37m Thriller Selma Blair & Joshua Close
showtimesdetailstrailer1reviews2Hellboy 2: The Golden Army
PG-13G14A14A14A14A14A2008. 1h50m Fantasy action adventure Ron Perlman & Selma Blair
The Feast of Love
R13+14A14A18A14AAA2007. 1h42m Romantic drama Morgan Freeman & Greg Kinnear
My Mom's New Boyfriend
PG-132007. 1h37m Action comedy Antonio Banderas & Meg Ryan
Hellboy Animated: Sword of Storms
2006. 1h17m Animation Ron Perlman & Selma Blair
showtimesdetailsreviews1The Fog
PG-1313+14A14A14A14AAA2005. 1h39m Horror/thriller Tom Welling & Maggie Grace
Pretty Persuasion
R2005. 1h44m Comedy-drama Evan Rachel Wood & Ron Livingston
PG-1313+14A14A14A14AAA2004. 2h02m Sci-fi horror Ron Perlman & Selma Blair
In Good Company
GPGPGPGPGPG2004. 1h43m Comedy Dennis Quaid & Topher Grace
A Guy Thing
PG-13G14APGPG14PAAA2002. 1h42m Romantic comedy Jason Lee & Julia Stiles
The Sweetest Thing
G14A18A14A14PAAA2002. 1h24m Romantic comedy Lillian Adams & Herbert W. Ankrom
Legally Blonde
PG-13GPGPGPGPGPG2001. 1h45m Comedy Reese Witherspoon & Luke Wilson
Down To You
PG-13G14A14APG2000. 1h31m Romantic comedy Freddie Prinze Jr. & Julia Stiles
showtimesdetailstrailer1reviews7776Cruel Intentions
R13+14A14A14A14A14A1999. 1h37m Romantic drama Sarah Michelle Gellar & Ryan Phillippe
showtimesdetailsreviews511510Can't Hardly Wait
PG-1313+1998. 1h40m Romantic comedy-drama Jennifer Love Hewitt & Ethan Embry