Michael Haneke
82 years old
BornMarch 23, 1942
Munich, Germany
Photo from "Amour"
© Mongrel Media
Directed 13 films
FrenchPG-1313+14A14APGPG2012. 2h05m Romantic drama Jean-Louis Trintignant & Emmanuelle Riva
Das weiße Band
"The White Ribbon" GermanRGPG14APGPG2009. 2h24m War drama Christian Friedel & Ernst Jacobi
Funny Games
R18+18A14A14A14A2008. 1h47m Horror/thriller Naomi Watts & Tim Roth
FrenchR13+14A14A14A14AAA2006. 1h57m Dramatic thriller Daniel Auteuil & Juliette Binoche
Le Temps du loup
FrenchR2003. 1h54m Drama Isabelle Huppert & Béatrice Dalle
showtimesdetailsreviews3La Pianiste
FrenchR18+R2001. 2h11m Musical romantic drama Isabelle Huppert & Annie Girardot
showtimesdetailsreviews62Code inconnu: Récit incomplet de divers voyages
French2000. War drama Juliette Binoche & Thierry Neuvic
showtimesdetailsreviews2Funny Games
German, French, Italian18+R1997. 1h48m Horror/thriller Susanne Lothar & Ulrich Mühe
showtimesdetailsreviews371 Fragmente einer Chronologie des Zufal
"71 Fragments of a Chronology of Chance" German, Romanian, English1994. 1h40m Drama Gabriel Cosmin Urdes & Lukas Miko
Der Siebente Kontinent
"The Seventh Continent" German, French, EnglishNC-171989. 1h44m Drama Birgit Doll & Dieter Berner