Alice Braga
41 years old
BornApril 15, 1983
São Paulo, Brazil
Photo from "I Am Legend"
© Warner Bros.
3 TV series
24 movies
The Suicide Squad
R13+14A14A14A14A14A2021. 2h12m Sci-fi comedy Margot Robbie & Idris Elba
Eduardo and Monica
"Eduardo e Mônica" Portuguese2020. 1h54m Romantic drama Alice Braga & Gabriel Leone
showtimesdetailsreviewsThe New Mutants
PG-1313+14A14A14A14A14A2020. 1h34m Sci-fi horror Maisie Williams & Anya Taylor-Joy
The Shack
PG-13GPGPGPGPGPG2017. 2h12m Drama Sam Worthington & Octavia Spencer
Kill Me Three Times
R2014. 1h30m Action thriller Simon Pegg & Steve Le Marquand
Cidade de Deus: 10 Anos Depois
"City of God: 10 Years Later" Portuguese2013. 1h10m Documentary by Cavi Borges Luciano Vidigal
R13+14A14A14A14A14A2013. 1h50m Science-fiction Matt Damon & Jodie Foster
On the Road
R13+14A14A2012. 2h03m Adventure drama Sam Riley & Garrett Hedlund
The Rite
13+14A14APGPG14A2011. 1h54m Drama Anthony Hopkins & Colin O'Donoghue
R13+14A18A18A14A2010. 1h47m Sci-fi thriller Adrien Brody & Topher Grace
Repo Men
R16+18A18A18A18A18A2010. 1h51m Sci-fi thriller Jude Law & Forest Whitaker
showtimesdetailsreviews130Crossing Over
R13+14A14A14A2009. 2h20m Drama Harrison Ford & Ray Liotta
R13+18A18A18A18A18A2008. 1h58m Dramatic thriller Yûsuke Iseya & Jason Bermingham
showtimesdetailsreviews161A Via Láctea
"The Milky Way" Portuguese2007. 1h26m Drama Marco Ricca & Alice Braga
showtimesdetailsreviewsI Am Legend
PG-1313+14A14A14A14AAA2007. 1h40m Sci-fi horror Will Smith & Alice Braga
Cidade de Deus
"City of God" PortugueseR13+14A18A18A2002. 2h15m Action drama Alexandre Rodrigues & Leandro Firmino