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    Dutch poster of the movie ZOOks
    2018     Animation    
    1h 30min
    Original language: Dutch

    Nature-loving King Alexander puts his heart and soul into his lifelong dream of restoring balance between man and nature, wanting to undo the damage done by previous generations. Concrete cities will become green again, and animals from the zoo will be returned to the wild. It's an ambitious plan, but not everyone agrees with it. The king's brother, Prince Ferdinand, thinks King Alexander is a fool to believe in the goodness of nature. Then on the festive day that the wolves are returned to the woods at the edge of town, King Alexander and his son disappear. Has the King been destroyed by what he believes in? Or is there something else going on?

    Directed byDimitri Leue, Kristoff Leue, Thomas Ceulemans
    Written byThomas Ceulemans, Dimitri Leue, Kristoff Leue

    Featuring Voices of

    Glenn-Scott Peij
    Mona Lahousse
    Wouter Hendrickx
    Wim Helsen
    Matteo Simoni
    Frank Focketyn
    Warre Borgmans
    Daisy Ip
    Tine Reymer

    © Studio&Distr.