TV Series 2000 Animation
The story of a boy named Yuugi Mutou who must defeat the Game King from the Millennium Puzzle by defeat him in a series of games.
Company | Cartoon NetworkCartoon NetworkCartoon Network
Featuring Voices of
Eric Stuart
Amy Birnbaum
Ted Lewis
Darren Dunstan
Gregory Abbey
Madeleine Blaustein
Marc Thompson
Tara Sands
Lisa Ortiz
Megan Hollingshead
Carrie Keranen
Christopher Collet
Michael Sinterniklaas
Sam Riegel
James Carter Cathcart
Erica Schroeder
Richard Will
David Wills
Tom Souhrada
Sebastian Arcelus
Allyson Johnson
Mike Pollock
Tony Salerno
Kerry Williams
Oliver Wyman
Jonathan Todd Ross
Karen Neil
J. David Brimmer
Robert O'Gorman
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