Blake (Christopher Abbott), a husband and father from San Francisco, inherits his remote childhood home in rural Oregon after his father mysteriously disappears and is presumed dead. His marriage to Charlotte (Julia Garner), a successful professional, is strained, so Blake convinces her to take a break from city life and visit the inherited property with their young daughter, Ginger (Matilda Firth).
Upon arriving at the farmhouse late at night, the family is suddenly attacked by an unseen animal. They manage to escape into the house and barricade themselves inside while the creature lurks outside. As the night progresses, Blake starts to act strangely and undergoes a disturbing transformation. Charlotte must confront a terrifying dilemma: is the threat inside the house more dangerous than the one outside?
Directed by | Leigh Whannell |
Written by | Leigh Whannell, Corbett Tuck |
Company | Universal PicturesUniversal PicturesUniversal Pictures |
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© Universal PicturesUniversal PicturesUniversal Pictures