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    Winter on Fire

    Poster of the movie Winter on Fire
    2015     Documentary    
    USA/United Kingdom/Ukraine
    1h 42min
    Original language: English, Russian, Ukrainian

    WINTER ON FIRE supplies a visceral, in-depth look at the bloody Ukrainian uprising in Kiev's Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square), which took place over several months in late 2013 and early 2014 and triggered a cataclysm that continues to unfold today. Focusing on the three months of street battles that led to the removal of President Viktor Yanukovych, the film reminds us how documentaries, in the tradition of works such asThe Battle of Chile and The Square, can have an effect different from that of daily reportage by taking more time on the craft of storytelling.

    Ukraine's geographic position between Russia and the rest of Europe exerts conflicting pressures on its culture and politics. After making promises to join the European Union, Yanukovych abruptly changed direction in November 2013 and turned toward an alignment with Russia. Protestors took the streets chanting "Ukraine is part of Europe," in a series of peaceful demonstrations that were eventually met with a violent crackdown by the government's Berkut special police force.

    Directed byEvgeny Afineevsky


    Bishop Agapit, Serhii Averchenko, Kristina Berdinskikh, Pavlo Dobryanskyy, Valery Dovgiy, Bogdan Dubas, Kurganskyi Eduard, Mykhailo Havryliuk, Natan Hazin, His Holiness The Patriarch Of Kyiv, Ukraine Filaret, Dmytro Holubnychy, Timur Ibragimov, Said Ismagilov, Cissy Jones, Kamaliya, Sergei Kibnovsky, Katya Korniyko, Anna Kovalenko, Yuriy Krivenko, Vladimir Kugilyov, Ruslan Lapuk, Anna Levitanskaja, Ruslana Lyzhicko, Vladimir Makarevich, Archbishop Petro Malchuk, Oleksandr Melnyk, Mustafa Nayem

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