Set in the secluded mountain village of Vermiglio, Italy, this emotionally compelling family drama unfolds over four chapters, each set in a different season. The story captures the lives of the villagers as they struggle with the profound changes brought about by the impact of World War II. Tensions run high as the community grapples with these transformations in deeply personal ways. The arrival of Pietro, a young Sicilian soldier who returns home with his wounded comrade, introduces a new dynamic to the village. Pietro is hailed as a hero, and his presence stirs both admiration and curiosity. Lucia, the eldest daughter of a local teacher, becomes particularly intrigued, and their innocent flirtation soon blossoms into love. This relationship sets off a chain of events that will irrevocably alter the village's future.
Directed by | Maura Delpero |
Written by | Maura Delpero |
Company | Janus FilmsJanus FilmsJanus Films |
© Janus FilmsJanus FilmsJanus Films