James Maxwell (Jon Abrahams), an up and coming artist in New York City, has his world upturned when the tragic events of 9/11 take the lives of his two best friends (Scott Caan and Mia Serafino). James honorably accepts guardianship of the couple's young daughters. Eleven years later, James is teaching art at the local elementary school, and raising the girls as if they were his own. But the financial grind of living in NYC is too much. James decides to take the girls away from the only place they've ever called home and moves them to Buffalo where he grew up. This 'non-traditional' family, hatched from traumatic events, must deal once again with drastic change and new surroundings. As each of the three grapple with redefining themselves individually, they redefine family once more.
Directed by | Jon Abrahams |
Written by | Michael Testone |
© Studio&Distr.