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    Poster of the movie Troll Inc.
    2017     Documentary    
    1h 20min

    The avant-garde has moved online, and they have an agenda. Coming from deep within computer programming culture, Internet trolls are pissed off and using the click-bait obsessed mass media to propel their movement into the mainstream. Influencing presidential elections, manipulating journalists, inventing meme culture, trolls are either our saviors or driving our culture off of a cliff. Prosecuted as a whistle-blower by the Federal Government, Trolls Inc. follows the world's most famous Internet troll, Andrew Auernheimer, and his legion of cultural saboteurs as they attempt to overthrow civilization, one meme at a time.

    Directed byGeorge Russell
    CompanyVirgil Films & EntertainmentVirgil Films & EntertainmentVirgil Films & Entertainment


    Malik Pasha
    Andrew 'weev' Auernheimer
    Adrian Chen
    Gabriella Coleman

    © Virgil Films & EntertainmentVirgil Films & EntertainmentVirgil Films & Entertainment