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    1970     Sci-fi thriller    
    United Kingdom/USA
    1h 35min

    Pop space-fiction. John Williams, an Alphoid (alien) in human disguise who has lived on earth for thousands of years, is told by Galactic Control to investigate a strange vibration on Earth which could counteract the sound sterility in space. The vibration is being produced by a group of Chelsea art students - a pop group called Toomorrow - who have made a 'tonaliser - an amplifier for use in their music. The group are kidnapped and taken to the space people to teach then the secrets of the 'tonalsier'. The scheme fails, however, as the group cannot come to terms with the alien environment. They return home where they perform at a pop festival at the Round House in London. The Alphoids beam the music and atmosphere into space. One of the group, Olivia, wakes up the next day remembering a strange dream.

    Directed byVal Guest
    Written byVal Guest


    Olivia Newton-John
    Benny Thomas
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