Set against the backdrop of the country's largest electrical blackouts, a 16 year-old girl named Taylor Jo receives a mysterious birthday gift that leads her and her friends on an adventurous collision course towards a plot to dismantle America's power grid.
Nearly 16, foster teen Taylor Jo dreams only about a vehicle she can call her own and the freedom of the open road. On her 16th birthday TJ receives a mysterious gift: A key to a storage unit. Inside, she discovers a Jeep Wrangler registered in her name.
Suspicious the gift may be from her birth family, she convinces her friends to join her on a road trip, despite the vast blackouts occurring around the country. Following clues left in the vehicle, the gang finds themselves in a small town in West Virginia, virtually cut off from the world. Discovering a shocking truth, TJ finds herself at the intersection of a plot to take down America's power grid.
Blocked from all forms of emergency contact, the gang is put between a rock and a hard place. With the help of her friends, TJ must find the strength to face obstacles both internal and external to stop the spread of the blackout before it reaches critical mass. If they fail, more people will get hurt and the country could find itself more than 100 years into the past.
The Other Side of Darkness is an action-adventure film encompassing a young woman's journey of self-discovery and finding the strength to overcome even the most challenging of obstacles.
Directed by | Adam Deierling |
Written by | Adam Deierling |
© Studio&Distr.