2010 Animation
1h 32min
The Legend of Secret Pass is a CG animated fantasy adventure that revolves around one family's legend and an animal sanctuary of mythical proportions. It follows the journey of a teenager, Manu, who spends the summer with his grandfather high in the desert mountains. As a terrifying doom approaches, Manu must embrace his remarkable destiny and take on an incredible responsibility if he and his family are to thrive and survive.
Directed by | Steve Trenbirth |
Written by | Karl Geurs, James Costello, Erik Shein |
Featuring Voices of
Zoe Axelrod
Shelley Berman
Michael Chiklis
David Cross
Graham Greene
Cheryl Hines
Frankie Muniz
Joe Pantoliano
Ron Perlman
Christy Carlson Romano
© Studio&Distr.