Ten years after the previous events, the original group of friends is joined by new faces as they continue their journey through the trials of life and love in Los Angeles.
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Arienne Mandi
Sepideh Moafi
Leo Sheng
Jacqueline Toboni
Rosanny Zayas
Stephanie Allynne
Freddy Miyares
Julian Edwards
Jamie Clayton
Jordan Hull
Carlos Leal
Latarsha Rose
Jillian Mercado
Christopher Wallinger
Stella Edwards
Mercedes Mason
Fortune Feimster
Jeffrey Muller
Laura Patalano
Sofie Calderon
Rex Linn
Shyaam Karra
Lex Ryan
Stewart Skelton
Daphne Bloomer
Steve Kuzj
Tamara Taylor
Rosalind Chao
Joe O'Connor
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