A few weeks before Christmas, a young shepherd named Lucas is struck by lightning while wandering the countryside with his animals. A group of kindly nuns - Sister Theresa, Sister Jean, and Sister Catherine - rescue him, taking him to their abbey nearby. Soon, the nuns and the abbey's priest, Father Thomas, learn that Lucas has not only been blinded by the lightning, but that he is an orphan. Father Thomas is slightly irritated, but nevertheless, Lucas is allowed to stay at the abbey while he recovers from the accident, and Sister Theresa becomes a mentor to him. She is the one to tell him about snow, something not he nor anyone else at the abbey has ever seen (the village is "much too close to the sea"). Lucas is fascinated and begins to dream of a "white Christmas".
Directed by | Jules Bass, Arthur Rankin Jr_ |
Written by | Jules Bass |
Company | Warner Bros.Warner Bros.Warner Bros. |
Featuring Voices of
© Warner Bros.Warner Bros.Warner Bros.