TV Series 1987 Animation
After a mutating slime transforms four pet turtles into half-human creatures, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are born. Under the training of their Ninja master, Splinter, the TMNT brothers, Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael, fight crime.
Company | CBSCBSCBS |
Featuring Voices of
Cam Clarke
Townsend Coleman
Renae Jacobs
Barry Gordon
Peter Renaday
Rob Paulsen
Pat Fraley
James Avery
Jennifer Darling
Jim Cummings
Tony Jay
Hal Rayle
Bumper Robinson
Thom Pinto
Greg Berg
Michael Gough
Tress MacNeille
Bill Martin
Franck Capillery
Laurence Crouzet
Roger Crouzet
Stefan Godin
Rémy Kirch
Mark Lesser
Michel Muller