This film follows the story of Ada, an elderly woman from Puglia, who has always worked as a housekeeper in a beautiful country villa. Now that the house is for sale, Ada is forced to find another place to live. This is a cruel fate for an old woman without a husband or children, who has devoted her entire life to taking care of a house and a family that are not her own. But Ada is a stubborn and proud woman, and rather than leave to be with her sister and live with a grumpy brother-in-law, she decides not to give the keys back and, in effect, squat in the villa. This is where Irene, the daughter of the owner of the property, comes in, returning from Rome to her hometown to try to resolve the issue. Her mission: convince Ada to move out.
Directed by | Giorgia Cecere |
Written by | Giorgia Cecere, Pierpaolo Pirone |
© Studio&Distr.