2003 Animation
STITCH! THE MOVIE follows the antics of experiment 626, the lovable, troublemaking little alien who splashed down to earth and touched the lives of Lilo and her extended family. Stitch, Pleakley, and Dr. Jumba are all part of the household now. But what Lilo and Stitch don't know is that Dr. Jumba brought his first 625 experiments to Hawaii. It's up to Lilo and Stitch to save his out-of-this-world 'ohana' from the evil Captain Gantu and put each experiment's unique powers to good use.
Directed by | Tony Craig, Roberts Gannaway |
Written by | Jess Winfield, Roberts Gannaway |
Company | Walt DisneyWalt DisneyWalt Disney |
Featuring Voices of
© Walt DisneyWalt DisneyWalt Disney