This is the story of young 8-year old Anakin Skywalker, who lives on the planet Tatooine with his mother Shmi. Anakin is a very special young boy, because he is both spectacularly talented with machines and is also imbued with a connection to the Force, the lifeforce that binds us all. Anakin comes in contact with a much larger galaxy when two Jedi Knights, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn, are sent to Naboo on a special mission. At hand is an impending war between the Republic and the Trade Federation, and the fate of the young Queen Amidala of the Republic. This is a galactic-sized epic of good and evil, and setting the way for the next chapters, knowing who are good and evil is half the battle. This is Star Wars.
Directed by | George Lucas |
Written by | George Lucas |
Company | 20th Century Studios20th Century Studios20th Century Studios |
© 20th Century Studios20th Century Studios20th Century Studios