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    Poster of the movie Soyalism
    2018     Documentary    
    1h 5min

    As the Amazon burns and the US-China trade war continues to escalate, Soyalism is a sobering probe of a global industry with surprising links to both crises. Following each link in the worldwide chain of pork production, from the United States to Brazil, Mozambique, and, ultimately, China, this classic investigative documentary surveys the international consequences of Beijing's growing demand: enormous soybean monocultures in the Brazilian rainforest; lagoons of hog waste threatening water supplies in North Carolina; Mozambican farmers coerced and displaced. A market once driven by local producers has been transformed by industrial conglomerates controlling feed production, livestock rearing, slaughterhouses, and distribution. Without a concerted effort to combat rapacious agribusiness and unsustainable consumer habits, Soyalism reveals that pork's calamitous social and ecological by-products are only likely to escalate.

    Directed byStefano Liberti, Enrico Parenti
    Written byStefano Liberti, Enrico Parenti


    Photo from the movie Soyalism

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