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    South of the Border


    Poster of the movie South of the Border
    2009     Documentary    
    1h 18min
    Original language: English, Spanish, Portuguese

    Oliver Stone's a documentary about Venezuela's controversial President Hugo Chavez. Stone was with Chavez in February during the dramatic rescue of hostages that Chavez helped to broker from the militant Columbian FARC group. The doc will not focus on the rescue but rather the opposition Chavez has faced at home and abroad, especially from the Bush administration, which has been vocal in its distaste for the populist socialism espoused by Venezuela's president.

    Directed byOliver Stone
    Written byMark Weisbrot, Tariq Ali
    CompanyCinéma LibreCinéma LibreCinéma Libre


    Tariq Ali
    Raúl Castro
    Hugo Chávez
    Rafael Correa
    Cristina Fernández de Kirchner
    Néstor Kirchner
    Fernando Lugo
    Evo Morales


    Photo from the movie South of the Border
    Photo from the movie South of the Border
    Photo from the movie South of the Border
    Photo from the movie South of the Border

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