TV Series 2007 Drama
United Kingdom
This incisive series centers on the tense lives of a group of teenagers as the friends and wannabe lovers weather their final two years of school.
Company | BBC AmericaBBC AmericaBBC America
Joe Dempsie
Hannah Murray
Mike Bailey
April Pearson
Lily Loveless
Will Merrick
Freya Mavor
Laya Lewis
Dakota Blue Richards
Sean Teale
Ollie Barbieri
Larissa Wilson
Mitch Hewer
Luke Pasqualino
Giles Thomas
Lisa Backwell
Alexander Arnold
Megan Prescott
Merveille Lukeba
Sebastian De Souza
Morwenna Banks
Chris Addison
Harry Enfield
Siwan Morris
Sam Jackson
Aimee-Ffion Edwards
Georgina Moffat
Klariza Clayton
Daniel Black
Victoria Wicks
Redd Smith
Josie Long
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