2004 Animation
1h 20min
In the year 3000 in the city of Scamboville, nestled between two inhumanly scaled high-rise towers, sits a dilapidated cottage and small garden. This is home to Geppetto, an old artisan who is passionate about computers. Geppetto is finally about to achieve his dream: to give himself a son. With the help of his assistant, the cyber-penguin Spencer, Geppetto creates a prototype of an ultra-performing robot: Pinocchio. Although Pinocchio knows how to laugh, talk, dance and sing, he'll never be a real boy. Unless... Cyberina, a fairy and eccentric queen of the blues, promises to grant Geppetto his wish only after Pinocchio has learned to tell the difference between rith and wrong.
Directed by | Daniel Robichaud |
Written by | Claude Scasso, Peter Svatek |
Company | Kidtoon FilmsKidtoon FilmsKidtoon Films |
Featuring Voices of
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