The film follows the mysterious disappearance of Cara Cook, a bright, athletic college student over five tense days, played from three different perspectives. First, her parents Marie and Rich spiral as they wonder what has happened to their daughter and realize they are facing a possible future without her. Then, the troubled Detective Brightbill, who's dealing with his pregnant ex-girlfriend and a tenuous relationship with alcohol, struggles to follow the vanishing trail and catches a break in the most unlikely of places. And lastly, what happened to Cara is revealed -- as her will to survive is tested at every turn. What happens when ordinary days are interrupted by an extraordinary event? How do you react? When should you panic? How do you move forward afterwards? Ordinary Days touches on three compelling film genres -- drama, mystery and suspense to explore themes of family and love.
Directed by | Kris Booth, Jordan Canning, Renuka Jeyapalan |
Written by | Ramona Barckert |
© Studio&Distr.