2021 Documentary
1h 30min
Ocean of Obstacles reveals the story of a dozen blind teenagers as they complete a life changing voyage. The first-time crew dubbed 'The Blind Buccaneers' will navigate and sail on the open water, embarking on a seven day voyage at sea. Circumnavigating the waters of the Caribbean they overcome nature, fatigue, and the scrutiny of naysayers, but their biggest obstacle will be their own physical limitations and fear of failure. These stories of challenge and inspiration will show the world that the human experience can become a beacon for all when they are set to a monumental task.
Directed by | Louie Duran |
Marc Ashton
Melanie Audet
Jorge Castro
Isabelle Chapman
Spencer Churchill
Steven Clemens
Bill Dingwell
Elle Dingwell
Alma Elizarraraz
Victor Felice
Francisco Javier Gorbea
Chris Hawk
Angel L. Ayala Jimirez
Jared Leslie
Maggie Lindsay
Morgan MacDonald
Kaylee Nielson
Francisco Paco Monaner
Evelin Rios-Perez
Roman Robago
Ethan Roberts
Adonis Watt
Karl Williams
Cesar Yanez
© Studio&Distr.