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    My Country, My Country

    Poster of the movie My Country, My Country
    2006     Documentary    
    1h 30min
    Original language: English, Kurdish, Arabic

    Working alone in Iraq over eight months, director/cinematographer Laura Poitras creates an extraordinarily intimate portrait of Iraqis living under U.S. occupation. Her principal focus is Dr. Riyadh, an Iraqi medical doctor, father of six and Sunni political candidate. An outspoken critic of the occupation, he is equally passionate about the need to establish democracy in Iraq, arguing that Sunni participation in the January 2005 elections is essential. Yet all around him, Dr. Riyadh sees only chaos, as his waiting room fills each day with patients suffering the physical and mental effects of ever-increasing violence. Dramatically interwoven into the personal journey of Dr. Riyadh is the landscape of the US military occupation, with Australian private security contractors, American journalists and the UN officials who orchestrate the elections. Unfolding like a narrative drama, MY COUNTRY, MY COUNTRY follows the agonizing predicament and gradual descent of one man caught in the tragic contradictions of the U.S. occupation of Iraq and its project to spread democracy in the Middle East.

    Directed byLaura Poitras
    Written byDavid Brancaccio
    CompanyZeitgeist FilmsZeitgeist FilmsZeitgeist Films


    Dr. Riyadh
    Aaron Castle
    Scott Farren-Price
    Renato Gonclaves
    Andre Remmers
    Edward Robertson
    Kristopher Scarcliff
    Peter Towndrow
    Carlos Valenzuela
    Edward Wong
    + MORE


    Photo from the movie My Country, My Country

    © Zeitgeist FilmsZeitgeist FilmsZeitgeist Films