This entertaining television family series centers around the main character of Justin. The death of Justin's parents causes him to live with his aunt and uncle. Justin inherits his father's amulet, which has the power to stop time, so he uses it to pull pranks on the jocks that are picking on him at school. At the same time there is another guy who has the other half of this amulet and is using it to steal money and trade secrets. He knows about Justin's half of the amulet and tries to find it. So it's a race to find the different pieces of the amulet and trying to bring them together, because together the two pieces of the amulet have the ability to show the future and the past and other things.
Directed by | Rob Diamond |
Written by | Rob Diamond, Troy Hinckley |
Company | MTI Home VideoMTI Home VideoMTI Home Video |
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