2016 Animation
After a series of poor decisions lead to a disastrous outcome during a mission, Robin is demoted from the ranks of the Justice League. Instead, he is assigned to the Teen Titans to spend some time getting his act together. However, when the Justice League is possessed by evil forces, it is up to Robin and the rest of the Teen Titans to step up to save the day. Robin learns about the importance of teamwork and planning as he helps lead the eager Titans against the villainous Trigon to save the Justice League and the rest of the world.
Directed by | Sam Liu |
Written by | Alan Burnett |
Company | Warner Bros. Home Entertainment GroupWarner Bros. Home Entertainment GroupWarner Bros. Home Entertainment Group |
Featuring Voices of
Rosario Dawson
Christopher Gorham
Shemar Moore
Jerry O'Connell
Jake T. Austin
Taissa Farmiga
Jon Bernthal
© Warner Bros. Home Entertainment GroupWarner Bros. Home Entertainment GroupWarner Bros. Home Entertainment Group