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    Poster of the movie Hello World
    2020     Documentary    
    1h 18min

    Code is everywhere. Every phone call you make, every website you visit, and even every car you drive has software powering it. Software development has been clocked in a cloud of magic that keeps most people out of the career. The film delves into the history of software development that started as a woman-led industry but has evolved into a majority white male and Asian dominated industry. It tackles the tough topic of why women as well as black and latinx people don't pursue software careers. The film aims to shine a light on how amazing a career in software can be. The reality is that now is a great time to diversity the ranks of software development, not just for the typical social reasons, but also because it makes better software and can be a generational change for many.

    Directed byShawn Wildermuth
    Written byShawn Wildermuth
    CompanyGravitas VenturesGravitas VenturesGravitas Ventures


    Shawn Wildermuth
    Jake Dan Attis
    Glenn Block
    Donovan Brown
    Travis Brown
    Laurent Bugnion
    Richard Campbell
    James Chambers
    Barry Dorrans
    Barbara Ericson
    Joseph Ficara
    Jeff Gray
    Phil Haack
    Scott Hanselman
    Maria Klawe
    Deborah Kurata
    Lori Lalonde
    David Laribee
    Julie Lerman
    Colleen Lewis
    Jesse Liberty
    Ran Libeskind-Hadas
    Jeremy Likness
    Ashleigh Lodge
    D'Arcy Lussier
    Donna Malayeri
    Gary May
    Ted Neward
    + MORE

    © Gravitas VenturesGravitas VenturesGravitas Ventures