Inspired by the most beloved of fables, the animated feature Happily NEver After is a satirical retelling of the classic story of Cinderella. Once upon a time in Fairy Tale Land, the age-old balance between good and evil has been thrown out of whack. Frieda, Cinderellas power-mad stepmother (voiced by Sigourney Weaver), has formed an unholy alliance of evil to take on the good guys. With her own fairy tale spinning wildly out of control, Cinderella (a/k/a Ella voiced by Sarah Michelle Gellar) is forced to shed her damsel-in-distress trappings in order to seize control of her own destiny and lead the resistance without her Prince Charming (Patrick Warburton). In a world of happy endings gone wrong, the race for control of the kingdom is on, with the fate of the venerable storyline 'Happily N'Ever After' hanging in the balance.
Directed by | Paul J_ Bolger |
Written by | Robert Moreland |
Company | Lions Gate FilmsLions Gate FilmsLions Gate Films |
Featuring Voices of
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