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    Fierce Light: When Spirit Meets Action


    Poster of the movie Fierce Light: When Spirit Meets Action
    2008     Documentary    
    1h 30min
    ONF   February 7, 2026

    "Fierce Light" is a feature documentary that captures the exciting movement of Spiritual Activism that is exploding around the planet, and the powerful personalities that are igniting it.

    Fueled by the belief that "another world is possible," the film portrays stories of what Martin Luther King called "Love in Action," and Gandhi called "Soul Force"; what Ripper is calling "Fierce Light."

    It is the way of the Sacred Warrior, uncompromisingly nonviolent, with a power that radiates from the heart and outwards. It is that same grass roots spirit that swept Barack Obama into the White House, using the power of community--undeniably hopeful, and full of possibility.

    Acclaimed filmmaker Velcrow Ripper (Scared Sacred) takes an insightful look at change motivated by love, featuring interviews with spiritual activists Thich Nhat Hanh, Desmond Tutu, Daryl Hannah, Julia Butterfly Hill, and more.

    Directed byVelcrow Ripper
    Written byVelcrow Ripper
    CompanyEntertainment OneEntertainment OneEntertainment One


    Krishna Aratna
    Joan Baez
    Danny Glover
    Daryl Hannah
    + MORE


    Photo from the movie Fierce Light: When Spirit Meets Action

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