Fateh, a former gangster striving to leave his turbulent past behind, has settled in Punjab, hoping for a peaceful new life. However, his quiet existence is shattered when he is hired to protect a young woman named Jacqueline, who becomes the target of a sinister cyber mafia. As he delves deeper into the threats against her, Fateh discovers a web of deceit that ties her fate to the criminal syndicate operating in Delhi. Unable to turn his back on justice, he emerges from retirement, unleashing his formidable skills to safeguard Jacqueline and dismantle the cyber mafia. In his quest, Fateh confronts not only the shadowy criminals but also the ghosts of his own past, battling to protect Jacqueline and reclaim the life he dreams of.
Directed by | Sonu Sood |
Written by | Sonu Sood, Ankur Pajni |
© Studio&Distr.