In the future, after a Third World War has decimated much of the Earth's population, a new nation known Libria rises up under the unquestioned leadership of The Father (Angus MacFadyen). Believing human emotions and their expression were to blame for the failings of past societies, The Father has decreed that all citizens must take a daily dose of Prozia II, a drug which levels out the emotional landscape, and that all forms of creative expression are against the law; violating either regulation can be punished by death. Cleric John Preston (Christian Bale) is a Grammaton, an elite law enforcement officer who tracks down and punishes "sense offenders." One day, Preston accidentally fails to take his Prozia II, and for the first time begins experiencing emotions himself. Preston becomes aware of an underground of rebels who refuse to take their medication and have embraced art and literature, and he finds himself becoming infatuated with one of their number, Mary O'Brian (Emily Watson). © 2003 Miramax Film Corp. All Rights Reserved. Distributed Exclusively by Alliance Films All Rights Reserved.
Directed by | Kurt Wimmer |
Written by | Kurt Wimmer |
Company | MiramaxMiramaxMiramax |
© MiramaxMiramaxMiramax