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    Poster of the movie Boy Missing
    2016     Action thriller    
    1h 45min
    Original language: Spanish

    When her son is kidnapped and later found traumatized, a lawyer takes justice into her own hands, causing events that spiral out of control.

    Directed byMar Targarona
    Written byOriol Paulo


    Blanca Portillo
    Antonio Dechent
    Vicente Romero
    Marc Domènech
    Nausicaa Bonnín
    Andrés Herrera
    Macarena Gómez
    Paco Manzanedo
    Sergi Subirà
    Marieta Sánchez
    Raquel Pérez
    Josep Maria Pou
    Francesc Albiol
    Ismael Abadal
    Paulina Gálvez
    Ramon Fontserè
    Xavi Siles
    Roger Zanuy
    Roger Vidal
    Albert Mèlich
    Marc Ribera
    Sali Cervià
    Mercè Montalà
    Lluís Altés
    Lluïsa Castell
    Miguel Ángel Jenner
    Bárbara Nicolau
    Teresa Sirvent
    Sergi Misas
    Luciano Ochello
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