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    Poster of the movie Boisbouscache
    2022     Documentary    
    1h 22min
    Original language: French

    Through the eyes and testimonies of residents and users, Boisbouscache paints a portrait of a territory coveted by private groups with divergent interests. It is a film about history and dispossession.

    Directed byJean-Claude Coulbois
    Written byJean-Claude Coulbois
    CompanyFilmoption InternationalFilmoption InternationalFilmoption International


    Claude Brière, Philippe Brière, Stéphane Brière, Édith Bélanger, René Bérubé, Bertin Denis, Piero Jean, Ghislaine Labelle, Stéphane Lacam-Gitareu, Michel Lagacé, Amélie Larouche, Rino Ouellette, Louis-Philippe Sirois, Jean-Jacques Vien


    Photo from the movie Boisbouscache
    Photo from the movie Boisbouscache
    Photo from the movie Boisbouscache
    Photo from the movie Boisbouscache
    Photo from the movie Boisbouscache
    Photo from the movie Boisbouscache
    Photo from the movie Boisbouscache
    Photo from the movie Boisbouscache

    © Filmoption InternationalFilmoption InternationalFilmoption International