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    Being Jacques Chirac

    Poster of the movie Being Jacques Chirac
    Dans la peau de Jacques Chirac
    2006     Documentary    
    1h 30min
    Original language: French

    Film clips of the struggling President from his early days, through to his time as Paris Mayor up to the present day – with a satirical voiceover from a Chirac impersonator.

    Directed byMichel Royer, Karl Zero
    Written byMichel Royer, Ahmed Hamidi


    Didier Gustin
    Edouard Balladur
    François Baroin
    Raymond Barre
    Fabien Barthez
    François Bayrou
    Daniel Bilalian
    Cherie Blair
    Tony Blair
    George W. Bush
    Jean-Marie Cavada
    Jacques Chaban-Delmas
    Bernadette Chirac
    Claude Chirac
    Jacques Chirac
    Geneviève De Fontenay
    Charles de Gaulle
    Dominique de Villepin
    Alain Duhamel
    Benoît Duquesne
    Guillaume Durand
    Jean-Pierre Elkabbach
    Laurent Fabius
    Michel Field
    Valéry Giscard d'Estaing


    Photo from the movie Being Jacques Chirac
    Photo from the movie Being Jacques Chirac
    Photo from the movie Being Jacques Chirac
    Photo from the movie Being Jacques Chirac
    Photo from the movie Being Jacques Chirac

    © Studio&Distr.