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    Poster of the movie Bae Wolf
    2022     Fantasy    
    1h 27min

    It's the year 500 AD in deepest, darkest Denmark. A jealous, decapitating monster -- the unstoppable Grendel -- terrorizes the drunken revelers of mead-soaked Heorot.

    Directed byDavid Axe
    Written byDavid Axe, Darien Cavanaugh


    Mike Amason
    Antonia Anderson
    Santiago Azpurua-Borras
    Aaron Blomberg
    Ann Boney
    Chloe Burdyck
    Cierra Burdyck
    Veronica Cooper
    Sanethia Dresch
    Jonathan Elkin
    Matthew Gault
    Donna Gills
    Sherman Gills
    Jennifer Hill
    Jonathan Jarvis
    Stephan Jensen
    Josh Kern
    Cleveland Langdale
    Katie Langdale
    John Leopard
    Morgan Ludwig
    Brandon McCray
    Alba Katiuska Mera
    Laura Mihill
    Wendy Miklos
    Bradley J. Petit
    Rachel Petsiavas
    Eric E. Poe
    + MORE

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