Back to the Sea is a heart-warming tale of adventure that follows Kevin, a young flying fish, who lives in the New York Harbor. He dreams of leading his family back to Barbados -- the mythical kingdom of the flying fish. One fateful day his adventurous nature finds him captured by a fishing ship and delivered to the fish tank of a Chinese restaurant in New York City's Chinatown, where he meets a quiet young boy who also longs for excitement and adventure. The two become friends and begin a daring quest to get Kevin back to the sea. Battling furious chefs, evil thieves and hungry diners, the two heroes discover the true meaning of friendship, family and the importance of following your dreams.
Directed by | Thom Lu |
Written by | Calvin Yao |
Company | IndustryWorks PicturesIndustryWorks PicturesIndustryWorks Pictures |
Featuring Voices of
© IndustryWorks PicturesIndustryWorks PicturesIndustryWorks Pictures