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    Poster of the movie Alps [2011]
    2011     Drama    
    1h 33min
    Original language: Greek, English

    A nurse, a paramedic, a gymnast and her coach have formed a service for hire. They stand in for dead people by appointment, hired by the relatives, friends or colleagues of the deceased. The company is called Alps. Their leader, the paramedic, calls himself Mont Blanc. Although Alps members operate under a discipline regime demanded by their leader, the nurse does not.

    Directed byGiorgos Lanthimos
    Written byGiorgos Lanthimos, Efthymis Filippou


    Stavros Psyllakis
    Aris Servetalis
    Ariane Labed
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    Photo from the movie Alps [2011]
    Photo from the movie Alps [2011]
    Photo from the movie Alps [2011]
    Photo from the movie Alps [2011]
    Photo from the movie Alps [2011]

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