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    Poster of the movie Alien Theory
    2019     Sci-fi thriller    
    1h 40min

    They wipe Mack's mind at work so he doesn't know what's going on, but he's got a theory that the world is at risk.

    Directed byMichael Ryan Hahn
    Written byMichael Ryan Hahn


    David McElroy
    Elisabeth Meurer
    Andre Hall
    Ralph Riddle
    Chris Kelley
    Justus Zimmerman
    Rachel Oden
    Tristan James Butler
    Marcus LaVoi
    Morgan Roberts
    Derek Berg
    Amandeep Lehal
    Nevin Millan
    Kate Danson
    Colette Carr
    Elina O'Connor
    Liz Pierson Brown
    Robin Hathaway
    Nathan Meurer
    Andrew Chen
    Michael A Smith

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