After a decade of family disagreements, the Myers family comes together in California for a Christmas reunion with the family matriarch, aiming to resolve past issues. Originally intended as a joyful family occasion, the gathering takes an unexpected turn when the grandmother passes away. Concerned about disrupting the holiday, the family chooses not to acknowledge her death. The situation becomes more complicated when suspicions emerge that cousin Sonny, who is rumored to have Mafia connections, may have been involved in her death to claim her inheritance. As one of Sonny's Mafia acquaintances arrives, the family feels pressured to continue the facade that Grandma is still alive in order to maintain the holiday celebration and, in their view, protect their own safety.
Directed by | Stephen Wallis |
Written by | Stephen Wallis |
Company | Barnholtz EntertainmentBarnholtz EntertainmentBarnholtz Entertainment |
© Barnholtz EntertainmentBarnholtz EntertainmentBarnholtz Entertainment