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    19 Years in Vietnam: Murder, Mines and Mayhem


    Poster of the movie 19 Years in Vietnam: Murder, Mines and Mayhem
    2021     Documentary    
    United Kingdom

    The enemy in Vietnam was known as "Charlie". "Charlie" may be any place and any one; man, woman or child. Guerrilla warfare strategy was "bold, tough and crafty". Preferring to avoid open conflict and fight from ambush or infiltrate civilian populations whilst spreading confusion and terror by murder, mines and mayhem. Nearly 350 years ago William Shakespeare wrote the words 'Come like shadows so depart.' In Vietnam, American combat soldiers must heed these words as they probed for and pursued a shadowy enemy. In this final episode we will see how opposition to the Vietnam War in the United States bitterly divided Americans, even after President Richard Nixon ordered the withdrawal of U.S forces in 1973.

    Directed byLucy Ciara McCutcheon
    Written byLucy Ciara McCutcheon
    Company1091 Pictures1091 Pictures1091 Pictures

    © 1091 Pictures1091 Pictures1091 Pictures