Amanda Bynes
Amanda Laura Bynes
6 télé-séries
What I Like About You
2002. Série télé Comédie dramatique Amanda Bynes & Wesley Jonathan
détailscritiques512 films
Easy A
PG-13G14A14A14APGPG2010. 1h32m Comédie/drame sentimental Emma Stone & Penn Badgley
Living Proof
2008. 2h05m Drame biographique Harry Connick Jr. & Tammy Blanchard
horairedétailscritiquesHairspray v.o.a.
PGGPGPGPGGG2007. 1h47m Comédie dramatique musicale John Travolta & Michelle Pfeiffer
Sydney White v.o.a.
PG-13GPGPGPGPGPG2007. 1h47m Comédie Amanda Bynes & Sara Paxton
L'Homme c'est elle
« She's the Man »PG-13GPGPGPGPGPG2006. 1h45m Comédie romantique Amanda Bynes & Channing Tatum
Rugrats: Tales from the Crib: Three Jacks and a Beanstalk
2006. 1h12m Animation Elizabeth Daily & Nancy Cartwright
PGGGGGGG2005. 1h32m Animation Ewan McGregor & Halle Berry
Rugrats: Tales from the Crib: Snow White
2005. 1h12m Animation Elizabeth Daily & Nancy Cartwright
Ce que fille veut
« What a Girl Wants »GGGGGPG2003. 1h45m Comédie familiale Amanda Bynes & Colin Firth
Charlotte's Web 2: Wilbur's Great Adventure
G2003. 1h19m Animation Julia Duffy & David Berón
Big Fat Liar
PGGGGGGPG2002. 1h28m Comédie, ado Frankie Muniz & Paul Giamatti