Robin Tunney
52 years old
BornJune 19, 1972
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Photo from "The Mentalist"
7 TV series
Prison Break
2005. TV Series Psychological thriller Dominic Purcell & Wentworth Miller
26 movies
Monster Party
2018. 1h29m Horror/thriller Sam Strike & Erin Moriarty
My All American
PG2015. 1h58m Biography drama Aaron Eckhart & Finn Wittrock
The Burning Plain
R14A14A2008. 1h51m Romantic drama Charlize Theron & John Corbett
R13+14A14A14A14AAA2006. 2h06m Dramatic thriller Adrien Brody & Diane Lane
13+PG14APG14AAA2004. 1h25m Dramatic thriller Cole Hauser & Robin Tunney
showtimesdetailsreviews7069The In-Laws
PG-13GPGPGPGPGPG2003. 1h38m Action thriller Michael Douglas & Michael Bodnar
The Secret Lives of Dentists
R2003. 1h44m Drama Campbell Scott & Denis Leary
PG-1313+14A14A14A2000. 1h30m Horror/thriller James Spader & Angela Bassett
Vertical Limit
PG-13GPGPGPGPGAA2000. 2h04m Action, adventure Chris O'Donnell & Robin Tunney
End of Days
R16+18A18A1999. 2h02m Action thriller Arnold Schwarzenegger & Gabriel Byrne
Empire Records
PG-131995. 1h47m Comedy Anthony LaPaglia & Maxwell Caulfield