Marshall Manesh
74 years old
BornAugust 16, 1950
Mashhad, Iran
Photo from "The Brink"
33 TV series
Cooper Barrett's Guide to Surviving Life
2016. TV Series Comedy Jack Cutmore-Scott & Meaghan Rath
detailsreviewsPrison Break
2005. TV Series Psychological thriller Dominic Purcell & Wentworth Miller
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
1999. TV Series Criminal drama Mariska Hargitay & Ice-T
31 movies
Jimmy Vestvood: Amerikan Hero
2016. 1h24m Comedy Maz Jobrani & John Heard
showtimesdetailstrailer1reviewsA Girl Walks Home Alone at Night
Persian2014. 1h44m Horror/thriller Sheila Vand & Arash Marandi
showtimesdetailstrailer1reviews14Seeking a Friend for the End of the World
RG14A14APG14A18A2012. 1h41m Sci-fi comedy Steve Carell & Keira Knightley
Crossing Over
R13+14A14A14A2009. 2h20m Drama Harrison Ford & Ray Liotta
Year One
PG-13G14A14APG14A14A2009. 1h40m Comedy Jack Black & Michael Cera
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
PG-13GPGPGPGPGPG2007. 2h56m Action/adventure Johnny Depp & Geoffrey Rush
Jane Doe: Yes, I Remember It Well
2006. 1h29m Criminal drama Lea Thompson & Joe Penny
showtimesdetailsreviewsLooking for Comedy in the Muslim World
GPGPGPGPG2006. 1h38m Comedy Penny Marshall & Victoria Burrows
The Poseidon Adventure
2005. 2h54m Action drama Adam Baldwin & Rutger Hauer
GPGPGPGPGPG2004. 2h16m Western Viggo Mortensen & Zuleikha Robinson
Raise Your Voice
GPGPGGGPG2004. 1h46m Romantic drama Hilary Duff & Oliver James
G14APGPGPGAA2002. 1h35m Action, comedy Robert De Niro & Rachael Harris
Stealing Harvard
PG-13GPGPGPGPGAA2002. 1h25m Criminal comedy Jason Lee & Tom Green
The Big Lebowski
R13+14A14A14AR14A1998. 2h57m Criminal drama Jeff Bridges & John Goodman