Fernanda Montenegro
95 years old
BornOctober 16, 1929
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Photo from "Love in the Time of Cholera"
© Alliance Vivafilm
Central do Brasil
"Central Station" PortugueseBest Actress
Best Actress - Drama
12 movies
Ainda Estou Aqui
"I'm Still Here" PortuguesePG-13GPGPG2024. 2h16m History-based drama Fernanda Torres & Selton Mello
showtimesdetailstrailer1reviews2A Vida Invisível
"The Invisible Life" PortugueseR13+2019. 2h19m Drama Carol Duarte & Julia Stockler
Babenco: Alguém Tem que Ouvir o Coração e Dizer Parou
"Babenco: Tell Me When I Die" Portuguese, English, Spanish2019. 1h15m Biography documentary by Bárbara Paz
showtimesdetailsreviewsRio, Eu Te Amo
R2014. 1h50m Fantasy drama Basil Hoffman & Emily Mortimer
showtimesdetailstrailer1reviewsLove in the Time of Cholera
R13+14A14A14A18AAA2007. 2h19m Romantic drama Benjamin Bratt & Gina Bernard Forbes
showtimesdetailsreviews59Casa de Areia
"House of Sand" PortugueseR13+18A18A2005. 1h55m Drama Fernanda Montenegro & Fernanda Torres
showtimesdetailsreviews6O Auto da Compadecida
Portuguese2000. 1h44m Comedy Matheus Nachtergaele & Selton Mello
showtimesdetailsreviewsCentral do Brasil
"Central Station" PortugueseRG1998. 1h53m Drama Fernanda Montenegro & Marília Pêra
showtimesdetailsreviews29Four Days in September
R1997. 1h50m Action thriller Alan Arkin & Fernanda Torres
showtimesdetailsreviewsRio's Love Songs
"Veja Esta Canção" Portuguese1994. 1h44m Drama Catarina Abdalla & Karen Acioly
showtimesdetailsreviewsA Hora da Estrela
"Hour of the Star" Portuguese1986. 1h36m Drama Marcelia Cartaxo & José Dumont