Fay Wray
Vina Fay Wray
September 15, 1907
Cardston, Alberta, Canada
August 8, 2004
at the age of 96
Photo from "King Kong"
© Warner Bros.
6 TV series
46 movies
Off the Menu: The Last Days of Chasen's
1997. 1h30m Documentary by Shari Springer Berman & Robert Pulcini
showtimesdetailsreviews1Crime of Passion
1957. 1h24m Criminal drama Barbara Stanwyck & Sterling Hayden
Tammy and the Bachelor
1957. 1h29m Romantic comedy Debbie Reynolds & Leslie Nielsen
showtimesdetailsreviews1Adam Had Four Sons
1941. 1h21m Romantic drama Ingrid Bergman & Warner Baxter
It Happened in Hollywood
1937. 1h07m Musical romantic comedy-drama Richard Dix & Fay Wray
showtimesdetailsreviewsMurder in Greenwich Village
1937. 1h08m Action comedy Richard Arlen & Fay Wray
showtimesdetailsreviewsThe Affairs of Cellini
1934. 1h20m History-based drama Constance Bennett & Fredric March
showtimesdetailsreviews1The Richest Girl in the World
1934. 1h16m Romantic comedy Miriam Hopkins & Joel McCrea
showtimesdetailsreviewsMystery of the Wax Museum
1933. 1h17m Horror/thriller Lionel Atwill & Fay Wray
showtimesdetailsreviews2The Son of Kong
1933. 1h10m Fantasy adventure Robert Armstrong & Helen Mack
The Most Dangerous Game
RussianG1932. 1h18m Horror/thriller Joel McCrea & Fay Wray