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    The African Queen

    Total score  9.2

    Rated by 18 users. Scroll down to read reviews.

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    10 - A masterpiece, go, see it now
    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
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    Average ratings

    Age   1-12 13-17 18-25 26-35 36-49 50+ Total

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    User reviews

    There was a time when films had greater cultural impact -- creating not just adventure but often exploring the human condition through the circumstances of the world around them. The danger and struggles of the African Queen are handled in a realistic manner making the audience wonder if the leads will make it. Absolutely worth seeing if you never have.

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    d-rock@  13.7.2021 age: 36-49 2 reviews

    I've seen this film several times now and I get more out of it each time. We often forget that the First World War impacted more than Europe and parts of Asia. The African 'possessions' of European empires were also greatly affected.

    Humphrey Bogart as self-effacing Canadian Charlie Allnut was as magnificent as we would expect. Katherine Hepburn was wonderful as well. The twists, turns and surprises (what an ending!) were mainly down to that other main character, the African Queen herself. I can't wait to see it again...

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    canadian.gadfly@  2.3.2019 age: 50+ 26 reviews

    The African Queen is an absolute classic with adventure, romance, drama, and comedy all working in tandem. Directed by John Huston with gorgeous cinematography from the legendary Jack Cardiff on location in the Congo--it is films like this one that the big screen was made for!

    James Agee adapted CS Forrester's novel for the film, one of only two screenplays he wrote, the other being Night of the Hunter.

    I would never have pegged Bogart and Hepburn for a romantic pairing, but their bickering opposites/begrudging feelings chemistry is magic. The whole film is timeless.

    The screening this weekend, March 03, will be a real treat.

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    robert.kehl@  27.2.2019 age: 36-49 44 reviews

    A movie of unsurpassed skill all taking place at the time of WW II. It is a film of a romantic nature, but just as much a thrilling adventure with the greatest chemistry between Humphrey Bogart and Kate Hepburn. You will be glued to the screen for this classic with top-notch directing from the great John Huston. Easily one of the best films of the 50's.

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    pietroantoni@  19.8.2017 age: 36-49 15,094 reviews

    This film is almost as old as I am. The 2 main characters (Rosie and Charles) offer us a claustrophobic setting for almost the entire duration of the film. They will come to know each other and soften each other up. It features 2 great actors (Katharine Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart) and the African setting surrounding them is full of beauty: wildlife, flora, and landscapes take our breath away. It is on a small, unimpressive steamboat that they take on the Germans at the outbreak of World War I. Though the river seems even more formidable. This film is truly a historical piece. It's beautiful, but it's old. A restored version is being shown on TV.

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    h2o_@  10.5.2015 age: 50+ 2,393 reviews

    A great movie that can't be remake. Why today there's no actor / actress of the caliber needed to do the movie.

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    normalger@  28.7.2012 age: 36-49   1st review

    A masterpiece that knows how to stand the test of time...

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    cotechristiane@  28.7.2012 age: 50+ 5 reviews

    Young people: Go see a great story illumined by great actors who happened also to be stars. But, if you're eager for explosions, car chases, blood and guts, and comic book heroes, go see another chewing-gum-for-the-mind flick.

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    rinkles@  25.7.2012 age: 50+   1st review

    I now understand why Canadians are popular in so many places around the world. An out-of-character Humphrey Bogart played a polite, self-effacing, humble, well-mannered, industrious and helpful individual in this film, and his character was a Canuck! This two person romantic tour de force, set in Africa at the outbreak of WW#1, includes scenes that are as effective as anything the CG folks might create. The African environment appeared more dangerous for Bogey and Kathryn Hepburn than any wartime enemy could be.

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    maverick@  19.7.2012 age: 50+ 470 reviews

    A pleasant movie. Nothing really special about it, but it's enjoyable in a quaint sort of way. Some of the effects were a bit distracting though, especially where you can tell it's models in a toy boat in some of the rough water scenes. The digital restoration isn't perfect and it would have been nice if some of the green screen work had been tidied up.

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    parker_2@  18.7.2012 age: 36-49 877 reviews

    Do it again. Play those old first class movies.

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    cmarcil@  18.7.2012 age: 50+   1st review

    A film to watch for the acting, the historical context, etc. I hope it will be appreciated for what it's worth and not just by the baby boomers...

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    chantal_larocque01@  14.7.2012 age: 50+   1st review

    Great movie with excellent actors, that can be seen several times...

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    sergenina@  20.11.2011 age: 50+ 413 reviews

    An excellent movie. The cast was excellent.

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    barbara.kent@  12.6.2011 age: 50+   1st review

    I'm not a big fan of romance movies - but HB and KH made it worth watching. KH played her typical don't push me around character and of course the grated with the character played by HB. In the end he sees the light and helps out - showing that he (the character) was a good person...

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    petersimard@  20.5.2010 age: 36-49 59 reviews

    A masterpiece. Bogie's performance was worth an Oscar. The story is remarkably well told, the characters finely drawn. A rare movie that relies entirely on two actors, both of whom rose to the occasion.

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    carve1be@  9.5.2010 age: 50+ 2 reviews

    Classic stars at their finest!

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    vh_gooch@  16.3.2010 age: 36-49   1st review

    Magnificent performances by the actors. Katharine Hepburn brings out the best in Bogart, who shows himself to be very authentic in his role as a jaded man. She will be cunning to make the tenderfoot sailor sway with emotion. And all of this, without special effects.

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    laf@  7.3.2010 age: 36-49   1st review

    Hepburn and bogey were a great match! It's so wonderful to see 2 mature people's feelings regarded as worthy of entertainment and attention.

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    orkids_4@  23.3.2009   1st review

    This movie is a classic. I've watched it several times. Great Bogart and Hepburn. If you like old films, don't miss this one.

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    robertd@  4.3.2008 age: 50+ 135 reviews

    ~ The End ~

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    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
    1 - Worst ever, avoid at all costs

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