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    Sex and the City

    Total score  8.3

    Rated by 625 users. Scroll down to read reviews.

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    10 - A masterpiece, go, see it now
    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
    1 - Worst ever, avoid at all costs

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    Average ratings

    Age   1-12 13-17 18-25 26-35 36-49 50+ Total

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    User reviews

    Absolute garbage as far as I'm concerned. However I will be generous and give it a...

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    pietroantoni@  4.3.2015 age: 36-49 15,094 reviews

    Magnificent, a must-watch immediately.

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    zapa-rafed@  2.1.2014 age: 50+   1st review

    Even though I hadn't seen the series, I really liked the film, although I found that the directors tried to do too much in this film and sometimes the story seems scattered.

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    universj@  4.1.2013 age: 36-49 34 reviews

    We often use the qualifier 'chick flick', but often us men get something out of it too, but the problem here is that this film is truly a film for girls with plenty of product placements like Gucci, Louis Vuitton etc... and on top of that a dreamy wedding with a princess dress, everything to scare women... I found this film okay but really nothing more, but the important thing is to let your better half choose sometimes 8-)

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    capitainenemo@  1.11.2011 age: 36-49 2,556 reviews

    Finally on the big screen and what a way to start, it was glamorous to see them all over again. Very feel good movie.

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    shazjoao@  5.10.2011 age: 36-49 3,714 reviews

    I found the movie had a very poor story line. There was a lot of cliches for the movie. The only thing I liked the most were those dresses. Neither of us liked the movie.

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    brdr10@  6.6.2010 age: 50+   1st review

    My girlfriend made me come see this and I was suprised at how funny it was like I have seen better Romantic Comedies but this wasn't that bad and well this nothing compared to something like The Proposal or The Ugly Truth but hey it is a close second! I have never watched any of the episodes so I didn't really have any idea how good or bad this was going to be and I was delightfully surprised my girlfriend is a long time fan of the show and she has seen ever single episode and believe me I do not exaggerate one bit. She hated this movie with a pasion but I though it was okay. I don't think I liked it enough to go see a sequel if God Forbid one ever came out but if my girlfriend dragged me to it I would recommend seeing that is if you don't have anything better to do.

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    ducksrule@  26.7.2009 age: 18-25 217 reviews

    The movie isn't really good... but Dante (Samantha's handsome neighbor) is really too sexy, it's worth watching just to see him!

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    cyncool12@  4.6.2009 age: 18-25   1st review

    I followed the TV series with great interest and I was looking forward to the movie. Unfortunately, I was disappointed. I think the movie doesn't live up to the series, the dialogues lack bite and humor. What about Mr. Big? It seems like he lost his charisma! And the character of Ste-Louise was empty and unnecessary in my opinion.

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    nebu_leuse@  1.5.2009 age: 36-49 221 reviews

    When I first saw it at HMV, I found that the cover conveyed a certain comedic and feminine vibe that I enjoy watching with my friends. It reminded me of the wonderful little series of four girls and a pair of jeans. Disregarding the 13 years and older label (underestimating the exaggeration of filmmakers who set age limits on Barney :p), I bought it. Unfortunately, the result surprised me... The endless stream of tragic events, the lengthy and tedious content really exasperated me. And what about all those unnecessary nude scenes? Maybe twelve years old is indeed not the right age to watch the film, considering the older age of the characters!? All I got was regret for paying for such rubbish!

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    crystoutou_122@  21.3.2009 age: 1-12 65 reviews

    WARNING: This review is hidden because it reveals the content of the film.
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    Sex and "product placement" yes!! Normally I have nothing against an ad or two, but here it's blatantly a 2h20 infomercial, interspersed with nudity, sex scenes, hysterics, bawling, separations, weddings, and so on. Comparable to a TV series, but highlighted with a thick dark yellow marker. Too much is like not enough, they say? As much as I loved the series, this infomercial overflowing with dresses, hats, glitz, prefabricated emotions, and expected outcomes overflowed from the screen. Fortunately I saw it on DVD.

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    benoit.mtl@  23.2.2009 age: 36-49 2,612 reviews

    A great end to the Sex and the City series. More mature story lines (and characters) but with the same spirit and more depth. A must watch it if you liked the series. I thought the opening credits really smartly done as they give you a good overview of the most important points that had happened during the series before the film continues from that point in time.

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    hayanamoi@  28.12.2008 age: 18-25 48 reviews

    I bought this movie right off the bat to complete my collection of the series. I was not let down by the story, it was as I expected, some tears, lots of girly emotions, disappointments. I kinda saw the ending coming, but any fan would.

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    ambitiousleo@  4.11.2008 age: 26-35 7 reviews

    My wife had heard good things about this film from her colleagues. When I read the reviews on your site, this film left me indifferent, but well, I decided to rent it anyway. Both of us loved this film. No dull moments despite a 2-hour-and-15-minute film. It's funny and sad at the same time, sometimes pathetic, it has a bit of everything. Exceptional acting performances. If I haven't given it a perfect score, it's because it exploits sex a bit too much.

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    pier_sylv@  2.11.2008 age: 50+ 50 reviews

    Really good! I loved the storyline and the acting was good, but Seemed really long and dragged out.

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    talia_raposo@  27.10.2008 age: 13-17 9 reviews

    Depressing. But good , Could be alot better. Overall worth seeing.

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    melissalarsen82@  11.10.2008 age: 26-35 24 reviews

    Sooo much fun for girls who have a close bond... if u followed the series, gotta watch this. You never want it to end. Long movie but never a dull moment.

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    k.a.a@  2.10.2008 age: 18-25 18 reviews

    It's a film as big as the world. Full of clichés and canned stereotypes. The search for love in the materialistic universe of middle-aged spinsters. Quite pathetic. It's pitiful to see... The lives of the rich but poor in spirit...

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    martin.laverdiere@  2.10.2008 age: 36-49 131 reviews

    This is a great movie if you are a sex in the city fan. I did think the movie was too long. I find that even though the movie gave us closure to the series, it did change the four main characters, they all grew up. I am glad I saw it but not sure if I agree with the ending.

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    cocotina@  17.9.2008 age: 26-35 8 reviews

    Unrealistic and rather shallow, in my opinion. Samantha's character is pretty hilarious, but unreal. Miranda's role is the only one played by a skillful actor. I've seen all the episodes, and they're pretty good as a tv show, but as a movie, I should've waited for it to come out on dvd. Kind of disappointing.

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    kkulhanek@  12.9.2008 age: 26-35 4 reviews

    Listen, I've seen better but speaking as a true fan who has seen the entire series I must say there were some disappointing turns and twists, but overall the movie was somewhat realistic and enjoyable. There was an interesting blend of friendship, fashion and lots of drama! Men aren't easy to deal with and you don't always get what you expected from the relationship, but you can always count on your friends. Enjoy!

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    annick.custeau@  10.9.2008 age: 26-35 109 reviews

    A great way to tie up all the story lines from the tv show!

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    kaforster@  1.9.2008 age: 26-35   1st review

    WARNING: This review is hidden because it reveals the content of the film.
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    My wife is very busy revising her thesis but I find her points very interesting regarding this movie: First: Why didn't Carrie use her emotional intelligence when she saw Big in the car - instead of hitting him with the flowers. Second: She is disappointed that Carrie is a feminist who waited 40 years to get married and in spite of having a wonderful wedding dress and venue - she ended up pleasing her three times divorced husband and marrying on his terms - this was very disappointing that he couldn't find his way to please her! Third: Samantha is in a relationship with a guy who doesn't attend to her fulfill her needs - he was looking for the rest of their lives to be all about him just because he spent two years looking after her through her cancer and she apologizes for leaving him when he wasn't giving her attention. Very disappointing! Fourth: The red-haired lady may very well have needed to go to a doctor or at least to speak to a counsellor regarding her aversion to have sex with her own partner! Fifth: Charlotte's story is very oversimplified and boring - could they have written something more interesting about her life! Sixth: Jennifer Hudson's character was totally wasted on this role too simple I consider Jenifer could play much stronger roles! Too simple and not a real contribution to the role. So there you have it!

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    erika_and_david@  30.8.2008 age: 26-35   1st review

    I just have to say - as a guy who actually did follow the series... this movie really disappointed on so many levels - the take home message here for women was "take what you got girls!" and there just was no excuse for all of the boring lulls in the story between actual plot points! Guys if you've avoided this movie so far - keep up the good work!

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    davethebiochemist@  30.8.2008 age: 26-35 2 reviews

    Omg o my gosh!!! I am a male but I don't care what other guys say I loved it it was absolutely fabulous I loved it more than anything ever. !!!

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    keith_611@  26.8.2008 age: 18-25   1st review

    Well we just love the opportunity to see a little bit more of sex and city.

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    sheilaschneiberg@  24.8.2008 age: 26-35   1st review

    Fun and enjoyable. It doesn't matter if you have watched the tv series to enjoy this movie. I've seen it twice and could see it again. No it's not a movie masterpiece but it's light and funny and about good friends.

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    k-cbalcaen@  22.8.2008 age: 26-35   1st review

    Ok, I've seen it!? I saw this movie based solely for its sociological value. Twelve weeks running in Ottawa and at writing almost 400 reviews on this site only, now that’s sociology! Women out number men 7 to 1 seeing this movie; a heavy smell of estrogen. So, what did I see? Lovely settings, great clothes, relationship-friends based movie. Parker (Carrie), Cattrall (Samantha) & Nixon (Miranda) play out well, the rest of the crew, especially Mr. Big (Noth), stay home please, BAD acting. Would you believe the moral of the story is 'see thru labels to see real'. Come on, the whole movie is a BIG LABEL. I did get to laugh more than a few times, it's funnier than 'Tropic Thunder' (easy to beat) Anyway, even though it will never win an Oscar it won at the box office! What I will remember the most is the strong friendship between the girls and how they take care of each other. The rest is just glitter and stereotypes. Gee, I now have to get my girlfriend a pink cell phone and a [...] dog (I think she already has that... and don't forget the nifty purse)

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    picassocat@  22.8.2008 age: 50+ 522 reviews

    It was a fun movies to see with a girlfriend. There could have been more to the movie but it doesn't seem to translate well from TV. Besides, an [...] sitting in the same row ruined it with his non-stop talking [...]

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    katt2_d@  19.8.2008 age: 36-49   1st review

    Entertaining, to watch with fun and lightness... and with friends to discuss afterwards ;o) Even though I didn't follow the TV series at all, I enjoyed the movie.

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    lili_stgermain@  18.8.2008 age: 36-49 11 reviews

    I never saw the show when it was on TV. I only happen to buy two previously viewed tapes and found to my utter amazement (due to it being uber-popular) that it was badly written, predictable as well containing language of unbearable crassness. So I watched the movie expecting to be disappointed. BUT I was NOT! I found depth and feeling where there was only shallowness and superficiality on the TV show. I was happily surprised. BRAVO!

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    siboney22@  11.8.2008 age: 36-49 156 reviews

    Awful, simply awful. Avoid it especially for guys when they want to leave the room and their girlfriend prevents them...

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    ninhas_007@  10.8.2008 age: 18-25 8 reviews

    This is a good movie. Matches the series and is really worth the donuts.

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    rogerio.lage@  8.8.2008 age: 26-35 9 reviews

    Very pleasant to watch with friends. Funny. The extravagant clothing and fashion styles were interesting. Nice continuity from the TV seasons. To be enjoyed with a light-hearted spirit.

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    funny_capucine@  2.8.2008 age: 18-25 13 reviews

    Loved it, loved it, loved it. Couldn't get enough of the girls. Great to see them back together again. Definite must see. Enjoy!

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    mdelve1636@  2.8.2008 age: 36-49   1st review

    WARNING: This review is hidden because it reveals the content of the film.
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    Love it~!!! Excellent plot~!!! I cried when mr. Big missed the wedding. The only regret from the tv show has been added into this movie. ~highly recommend.

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    susanpan1986@  1.8.2008 age: 18-25 38 reviews

    Charlotte's bell sound are Evey unrealistic! I did not like the fact that the all movie was based on Carrie, Miranda had problems but not even one of the girls was interested to hear. It was only Carrie. We saw a lot lily but not bradie, I don't know why. I did not like the theme: love. It is addres in a very superficial way. The episode are far more interested. They try it to make it too trendy with the hip hop music and bling in the letters. Thy shouldn't have change the original music! I did not see the interest of Carrie having a Personal assistant, in 10 years she never got one! Why have one now? We are constantly bombarded with all the trends, it is too much! It is like an atomic bomb! A bit too long, but it does not disturb. Overall a little disappointing because it is supposed to be the final episode and it is bad compared to the over all episodes. Like how the introduction was done.

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    lamemis@  1.8.2008 age: 18-25 5 reviews

    You cannot miss this movie! Regardless of whether or not you are a fan of the series you will definitely laugh and relate to the characters and plot points. Go see it you will not be disappointed!

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    obscured_starla@  31.7.2008 age: 26-35 2 reviews

    It's realistic and sweet. They made a good come back. If you're a fan, you would not want to miss it.

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    tdurzi@  27.7.2008 age: 18-25 2 reviews

    Well, I’ll finally have some peace to watch hockey this winter. I was dragged to see this film against my will, but I must admit that a few jokes made me smile and kept me from snoring. Guys, go see this film... you'll get some good laughs!!!

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    ravensmash@  27.7.2008 age: 26-35 171 reviews

    I only watched a few episodes before watching the movie. You don't have to have seen many of them (or any of them for that matter) to enjoy the movie! It is amazing to see how much work was actually put into making the movie, and that work did not go unnoticed! If for nothing else, the girls' clothes and shoes make it worth the admission price.

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    maroo89@  24.7.2008 age: 18-25 49 reviews

    Excellent movie for all SATC fans and anyone who just needs to have fun.

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    coryj1978@  24.7.2008 age: 26-35 82 reviews

    I saw every episodes of this TV show and loved all of them!!! I thought this movie was great and I can't wait to get the DVD!!!

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    cuteanevil@  24.7.2008 age: 26-35   1st review

    Great movie if you were a fan of the show... kind of dragged on long though.

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    eirjeirj@  22.7.2008 age: 26-35   1st review

    I loved it, but you have to be a fan of the serie to appreciate it, it's everything I expected it to be.

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    liz29_er@  21.7.2008 age: 26-35   1st review

    I loved this movie, my friend and I had a grudge against Sarah Jessica Parker and as soon as she saw the movie she loved it. It's great for a girls' night out or with your significant other. Mine really liked it too so it's definitely a must-see right away.

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    fanny-is-so-fabulous@  21.7.2008 age: 18-25 3 reviews

    It was major... in all the good ways... I wish I could be one of the four "Sex" ladies... I can see myself fitting right in.

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    toohot@  20.7.2008 age: 26-35   1st review

    I never watched the series. My girlfriend made me go. I still enjoyed it.

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    ianbartczak@  20.7.2008 age: 26-35 3 reviews

    It's a great ending to the series. It has a bit of everything; comedy of course, drama... It's all worth it.

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    eserena@  19.7.2008 age: 26-35 10 reviews

    I simply loved it, a perfect film for fashion enthusiasts. A simple and pleasant pleasure. Almost as good as the series, which can prolong the pleasure!

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    clo.lip@  19.7.2008 age: 36-49 65 reviews

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    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
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