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    I Think I Love My Wife

    Total score  6.3

    Rated by 48 users. Scroll down to read reviews.

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    10 - A masterpiece, go, see it now
    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
    1 - Worst ever, avoid at all costs

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    Average ratings

    Age   1-12 13-17 18-25 26-35 36-49 50+ Total

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    User reviews

    Dull characters and very average acting by the actors, it even seems like Chris Rock is lifeless, without any spark, and not funny even in the most classic gags (e.g. in the ambulance or at the pharmacy). The biggest flaw is that the interest fluctuates like a rollercoaster, which prevents it from being a total failure but it remains a poorly made film, especially a B-movie that will be quickly forgotten.

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    kaprikorne@  29.4.2012 age: 50+ 2,275 reviews

    How many ways to look at cheating or thinking of cheating-- Boring/done. Not a Chris Rock fan and this movie did nothing to change that.

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    dtmoores@  15.12.2007 age: 36-49 64 reviews

    I liked it a lot. Chris Rock is a smart comedian. What can I say if you like Chris Rock, you'll like it if you don't then you most likely won't.

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    theonlysteve@  1.10.2007 age: 36-49 995 reviews

    If you have ever watched a Chris Rock comedy special... he has based this movie on one of his speeches about married people... this was a nice attempt at a comedy but Chris stick to stand up... not that good.

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    dababy76@  23.9.2007 age: 36-49 149 reviews

    Chris Rock is so hot, and the girls in the movie are so sexy.

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    toto67@  10.8.2007 age: 13-17   1st review

    Wow, I don't know how anyone can rate this movie so low. I think this is some of Chris Tucker's finest work. He perfectly incorporated his stand up comedy style into a romantic comedy that truly forces the viewer to examine very common issues that couples live. If the viewer is male, the viewer relates to the main character played by Chris Tucker and its plain and simple, this is a good movie. Watch it.

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    arashmaleki@  9.8.2007 age: 26-35   1st review

    WARNING: This review is hidden because it reveals the content of the film.
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    I quite enjoyed it, calm, funny, and intelligent. Chris Rock shows that he is maturing and that his outlook is changing on many things around him. The reality brought to the couple and the slowly settling routine, the needs of men (which are very real and always present), and the fact that the character realizes that a fantasy remains a fantasy, once satisfied there is nothing left, he has too much to lose to give in to a simple sexual impulse, all combined gives a movie that makes you think.

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    sweet_angel0909@  6.8.2007 age: 18-25 58 reviews

    I feel that this was a really good sit down girl movie. Every once and while a girl like to watch a good movie and this was definitely one of them.

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    syteera@  20.4.2007 age: 18-25   1st review

    What a useless movie... A lot of twists, does not make much sense, Washington is very annoying in this movie, she kept me angry throughout the whole time... I was even angry after the movie!

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    maroo89@  31.3.2007 age: 13-17 49 reviews

    2 out of 1 because there are a 'couple' of funny scenes. Not more than that.

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    yamminr@  31.3.2007 age: 26-35   1st review

    There is no action, the story doesn't take off...

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    karlou_24@  30.3.2007 age: 18-25 2 reviews

    It was a good movie. The humor is at Chris ROck's level even though most jokes came from his last Stand-up "Never Scared". For those who say the language is bad, it's always be Chris Rock's style of humor. If you can't take humor about marriage and girls, well don't go see a movie called "I THINK I love my wife" and stop complaining! What we're you expecting?

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    mafaiboi89@  29.3.2007 age: 18-25   1st review

    Very boring, not funny at all. Slow and predictable, lots of swearing. Don't recommend.

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    elda0004@  28.3.2007 age: 26-35   1st review

    I felt there was alot of swearing and bad language, and the sexuality wasn't to bad... I kinda like it;p... But the movie wasn't to bad, I like how it teaches you to love what you have and don't cheat on your wife. Thanx

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    nick_hunsley34@  27.3.2007 age: 13-17   1st review

    Not the best offering that Chris Rock could present us with as a director and screen writer. Besides being the main character, perhaps Chris Rock took on a topic that although he knows about marriage and has experience... His vision seems a little short sighted. It's not a bad movie if it stands alone but because it's a remake of a previous funnier classic... I have to rate this movie by standards previously set. The commentary was a bit much and the movie seemed to go through a stand up comic routine without much of the comedy. I could tell Chris Rock had good intentions with this film... But it just didn't come across as well as it could have.

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    mr.leslie@  25.3.2007 age: 50+ 511 reviews

    I though a movie with Chris Rock was supposed to be funny, but it turned out completely boring. Reason I do not recommend this movie is because it is uninteresting. The whole movie I was wondering when is the funny gonna start.

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    babyangelgena@  24.3.2007 age: 18-25   1st review

    Great Movie, very funny as always with Chris Rock, too bad he gets played by a beautiful women. It's a definitely must see movie, DON'T MISS IT...

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    r_mehanna@  24.3.2007 age: 26-35 27 reviews

    This movie was such a waste of money and time. It was degrading to the viewers Intelligence with its repetitious use of foul language and constant depiction of men as Subjects to their desires and woman as the cheap, ready, and willing objects of fulfillment...

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    nina2255@  24.3.2007 age: 26-35 2 reviews

    Its had its really funny parts. It wasn't the best movie I've seen but it was a lot better then I thought if would be, and I high recommend seeing it.

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    tweeter0877@  24.3.2007 age: 13-17 5 reviews

    Very entertaining movie! Not your typical Chris Rock movie because of the content but still Ok with me...

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    sentenza99@  24.3.2007 age: 26-35 636 reviews

    This is the worst movie I have ever seen. Thought that it was in very poor taste and not humorous, not to mention the amount of foul language. I don't mind bad language in a movie but this was above and beyond. Very disappointed in Chris Rock.

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    workouttracy@  24.3.2007 age: 36-49   1st review

    Meh... Chris Rock is good in this semi-serious role but I must say there are long stretches in this film and I'm not even sure I would have classified it as a romantic comedy, more of a dramatic comedy. Wait for the DVD...

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    smileyeyes80@  24.3.2007 age: 26-35 46 reviews

    Uhhh go see Premonition instead. I don't care if you like comedy's, it doesn't matter. This isn't funny-- it's an outlook on life by not-so psychological guy.

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    busy_being_blonde@  23.3.2007 age: 13-17 5 reviews

    Very funny movie. Some unnecessary swearing, but a lot of it just adds to the humor. Chris Rock is a great actor, and Kerry Washington isn't too hard on the eyes. A movie to go see in theatres if you don't mind the language.

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    go.big_go.home@  22.3.2007 age: 18-25   1st review

    I loved it, it made me reflect on my own marriage. U gonna love this movie I promise.

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    mr_wingz@  22.3.2007 age: 26-35   1st review

    If you are with someone a long time or married is a good movie to go see, but could be better, could be much more funny then that, all the funny part are in the trailer so it not funny anymore. Anyway...

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    globalsun@  22.3.2007 age: 18-25 13 reviews

    Movie is low budget but it is interesting. I was surprisingly turned on by Niki. She got better and better as the movie went on. What a hottie!

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    nomadsgate@  22.3.2007 age: 26-35   1st review

    Chris is OK. The women in this movie are AWESOME. You'll know what I mean towards the end. I am sorry but there was a scene (with the tie on his head) which is IMPOSSIBLE. Go see it with an open mind.

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    chisel@  22.3.2007 age: 18-25   1st review

    Acting is a bit week. Movie is fun. Too many references to the N word and racial jokes. Otherwise, I give it a 10.

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    samatha16@  22.3.2007 age: 26-35   1st review

    This is a B movie - but who cares. You don't need to spend $100M to make an entertaining movie. Insightful. Fresh. Fun!

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    sarahd@  22.3.2007 age: 36-49   1st review

    Funny. Explores the mind of a married man. Although some parts are weak (so forgive Chris Rock for them), the movie is entertaining. I would have preferred an alternate (and more realistic) ending.

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    bluereflection@  22.3.2007 age: 26-35 9 reviews

    Chris Rock is great in the movie like he always is. I knew the movie was going to be hilarious. It's the kind of movie where u really don't want to take a bathroom break no matter how bad u have to go.

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    dreamsofsuccess@  21.3.2007 age: 18-25 2 reviews

    Not that great some good parts not many... Don't go pay for it

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    own3d_1@  19.3.2007 age: 13-17 2 reviews

    I love all Chris' movies cause they are funny

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    chickshunter@  19.3.2007 age: 13-17 2 reviews

    Very entertaining, funny and realistic. Must watch it! Chris Rock, funny as usual.

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    margyriou@  19.3.2007 age: 26-35   1st review

    Bad bad bad bad... That's all I can say... Chris Rock... Thumbs down!!!

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    betty@  19.3.2007 age: 13-17   1st review

    If you have a g/f and its been a while your together u need to see it

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    heykiii201@  18.3.2007 age: 18-25 141 reviews

    It was god awful!! Don't waste your time or money Not even funny. I don't think this movie will last 2 weeks in the theatre.

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    gccaron@  18.3.2007 age: 50+   1st review

    Beautiful story, in short, what happens to most of us.

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    brownchocolate80@  18.3.2007 age: 26-35   1st review

    Good movie but a bit slow. The only good thing is Chris Rock, he is the man. Hopefully, he'll win an Oscar in 2000. Lol, he is really funny.

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    ameidol05@  18.3.2007 age: 36-49 21 reviews

    It was just OK, I had some laughs, although sometimes it can be really dumb..

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    chanelle_chanel@  17.3.2007 age: 18-25 15 reviews

    This is a worries me type movie. Lots of negative black and racial commentary which takes completely away from the movie. The plot is poor, and very boring at the very best. The entire movie is about a man thinking of being with another woman and telling us how boring his marriage is We all have some level of this in relationships, we have to do something about it instead of whining about it. Bad movie, not all that funny; funny parts are all in the trailer! Come on Chris, you could have done so much better.

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    chrisshaker@  17.3.2007 age: 26-35   1st review

    Good effort from a first-time director. A few uneven spots and use of the N-word when not necessary, but Chris Rock is a brilliant comedian and on balance I think his talent shines thru. And there is even a deeper message that peeks thru, barely. Kerry Washington is superb as the vulnerable/opportunistic Niki, and not too hard on the eyes either. Was it great? No. Was it better than 3/4 of the pablum that passes for movies these days? Yes.

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    shakespero@  17.3.2007 age: 36-49   1st review

    This is very good movie, really worth seeing! there are some good jokes! i mean, the movie is entertaining, relaxing and non-burden. it is about our everyday life. Go and see this movie if you want to spend you time with friends.

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    prensessa@  16.3.2007 age: 18-25 8 reviews

    Hilarous and nice monologue about having chicken for supper!!!

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    nhi_ngo84@  16.3.2007 age: 18-25 12 reviews

    OMG... i LOve dis movie its sooo greaazzy and Chris Rock looks amazing... (for an old timer)

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    naima_29@  16.3.2007 age: 13-17   1st review

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    This movie was so boring, don't waste your money. I still don't understand why a guy would hang out with a girl one of his best friends almost killed himself over. Not a real friend.

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    doneganc@  16.3.2007 age: 26-35 3 reviews

    This was an amusing comedy that put a different spin on love and marriage. This is definitely a great date movie.

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    pucku@  14.3.2007 age: 36-49 27 reviews

    ~ The End ~

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    10 - A masterpiece, go, see it now
    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
    1 - Worst ever, avoid at all costs

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